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Super Braid Hair Bulk Impression , Hot water (kanekalon) 200 g 100 cm Length. Colour T/1B/27

Super Braid Hair Bulk Impression , Hot water (kanekalon) 200 g 100 cm Length. Colour T/1B/27
Pris ved 1Stk 69,00 DKK

The best quality.
Use a mild shampoo and lukewarm water. Dry the hair with a towel, but don't brush or comb when hair is wet. Let your hair air dry or use a cold heat hairdryer.
Don't sleep on wet hair. Braid the hair, before going to bed.
Use Conditioner.

Om produktet
Spørg os
Top Quality 100% Synthetic Hair. Basic Braid about 100 cm long
Varm vand (Kanekalon fletning hår).
* Impressionm Super Braid is the perfect integration of high-quality fibers from Japan.
* Feels like human hair.
* Ultimate quality & comfort.
* Very soft and easy to braid any style.
* Natural and longer-lasting texture
* Impress yourself with impression.
* More Natural.
* More Manageable.
* Longer - Lasting.

The best quality.
Use a mild shampoo and lukewarm water. Dry the hair with a towel, but don't brush or comb when hair is wet. Let your hair air dry or use a cold heat hairdryer.
Don't sleep on wet hair. Braid the hair, before going to bed.
Use Conditioner.

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Use mild Shampoo and lukewarm water. Dry the hair with a towel, but
don't brush or comb when hair is wet. Let your hair air dry or use cold heat hair dryer.
Don't sleep on wet hair. Braid the hair, befor going to bed.
Use Conditioner.